Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When Love Calls...

Greetings LoveJonesLifestyle family! Please allow me to apologize for the brief hiatus, but, as I’m sure you know; this lifestyle is NOT for the faint of heart! The past week has been one of ups and downs for us here at LJL. One that indeed has us longing for the days when love was simple,
and a breakup consisted of your best friend and your love interests’ best friend telling you its over, after which you all proceeded to run out onto the playground and play together anyway.

Our theme song for the last week or so has been one of both recognition and direction that recognizes the ethereal yet enduring quality of love.

We’ve seen both sides of this aching truth in the last week, finding ourselves both calling and receiving the call, often times to mixed signals. What happens when you offer love and it goes unanswered? When you’ve done all you can to show a person that you’re open to love, overflowing with love, and moved by the unseen love gods and goddesses to give that love over to that special someone, but they “can’t see the forest for the trees” as Atlantic Starr explains?

On the other hand, we’ve stood at the precipice of love, fearful of the leap of faith it takes to allow someone to see into us and love us fully. In a world of materialism and disposability, how do we ever know what’s real?

Either way, whichever side of love we stand on, silence in response to the love call leaves us with empty arms, a heart filled with unrequited love, and a lost opportunity to rise in love. Therefore, the only thing we can do is to answer.